
Swedbank Finland knows the Finnish market well. We help Swedbank’s midcorp clients from other countries to establish themselves and operate in Finland.

As our client, you get a single regional entry point through a specially assigned contact person at your home branch in Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania. This dedicated, domestically-based Client Executive will help you find a local contact person in Swedbank Finland.

Local Client Executives are fully dedicated to helping our clients establish and run their business in Finland. All our Client Executives speak three languages - Finnish, Swedish and English. We work to identify and leverage upon the best market opportunities and strategies for you to grow across the Nordic and Baltic region. We also provide a comprehensive offering, building on our broad range of financial services expertise competencies.

We provide financing solutions to corporate clients from Sweden, Norway and the Baltic regions, including loans and bank guarantees.

To ensure good and solid support to our clients, credit decisions are always managed through each client’s specially assigned Client Executive, based in the respective home country (Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania).

Though we are one of the largest banks in the Nordic and Baltic region, our clients still earn the benefit of working with a small organisation. Here, processes and procedures are always carried out by one of your dedicated bank contact persons who know you well.

We pride ourselves on being easy to reach, easy to approach, and innovative in finding the best solution for every situation. We cooperate closely with our Swedish, Baltic and Norwegian colleagues - developing cross-border routines and flexible solutions on our wide service offerings and network.

Contact our local team

Ida Renqvist

Client Executive

+358 20 746 9142

Erika Turunen

Client Executive

+358 20 746 9144

Research Web

Swedbank, one of the leading Research units in the Nordic and Baltic regions, closely follows macro developments and the equity-, FX/FI- and credit markets. Equity research is produced by our partner, Kepler Cheuvreux, a leading pan-European broker covering 300 Nordic companies and supported by a sales force of 120 professionals across the globe.